Bichon Frise
Country of Origin:
Canary Islands (Spain), Belgium
White & Cream, White & Apricot, White, White & Buff
Life Expectancy:
12-15 years
Male: 23-30 cm, Female: 23-28 cm
Male: 3-5 kg, Female: 3-5 kg
Litter Size:
1-7 puppies
Ad ID: 275
The Bichon is believed to have been descended from the old French water dog, the Barbet.
The Bichon Frise is a charming puffball of a dog with a loosely curled double coat consisting of a textured outer coat lined with a soft, fine, silky undercoat that is 3 to 4 inches (7-10cm.) long and is virtually hypo-allergenic.
It is usually all white, but cream, gray or apricot hairs are permitted. It can be shown clipped like a poodle or long-haired with clippings only at the feet and muzzle. This breed should be trimmed for a rounded appearance.
It has a moderate muzzle that is not pointed. Its stop is only slightly accentuated. It has a scissors bite with round dark intelligent eyes and hanging ears that are well covered with hair.
The neck is long and the chest is well developed. Its tail is curved over its back. This breed should be groomed frequently and bathed every month. Professional grooming is recommended every 4 weeks.
Trim around the eyes and ears with a blunt pair of scissors and clean the eyes extensively to prevent staining. Show dogs are trimmed with scissors.
The body of pet dogs may be clipped with electric clippers though the rest of the dog must still be cut with scissors. The Bichon sheds little to no hair and is good for allergy sufferers.
Temperament: Playful, Feisty, Gentle, Cheerful, Affectionate, Sensitive
Other names: Bichón Tenerife, Bichon à poil frisé
Health Problems: Some are prone to watery eyes, cataracts, skin and ear ailments, also epilepsy and dislocated kneecaps.
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The Bichon is believed to have been descended from the old French water dog, the Barbet. The Bichon Frise is a charming puffball of a dog with a loosely curled double coat consisting of a textured outer coat.
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