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Boxer Adoption
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Boxer Dog Breed

Breed: Boxer
Alphabetically: B
Country of Origin: Germany
Color: White, Fawn, Brindle
Life Expectancy: 10-13 years
Height: Female: 53-60 cm, Male: 57-63 cm
Weight: Female: 25-29 kg, Male: 27-32 kg
Litter Size: 1-7 puppies
Hypoallergenic: No
Ad ID: 265
The official breed standard for the Boxer was issued in Germany in 1905 and the name may be derived from bullen-beisser which means bull biter.

The Boxer's body is compact and powerful and the shiny, close fitting coat comes in fawn, brindle, white and various shades of red, with white markings. White Boxers cannot be registered with some Kennel Clubs.

The tail is usually docked. Ear cropping is optional. Docking and cropping is illegal in some countries. Its head should be in proportion to its body, lean and unwrinkled. Its lower jaw extends beyond its upper one, curving upward. Neither teeth nor tongue are to show when the mouth is closed.

The nose is large and black with very open nostrils. Eyes dark. The neck should be round, strong, and muscular, without dewlap. The body should be square. The tail is carried high. Its front legs should be straight and parallel.

Some major concerns are cardiomyopathy and other heart problems, sub-aortic stenosis and thyroid. Can be prone to skin and other allergies. Sometimes prone to epilepsy.

From age eight on they are more likely to get tumors than other breeds. Prone to cancer. Boxers are highly prone to mast cell tumors. Prone to arthritis, hip dysplasia, back and knee issues.

These dogs may drool and snore. May have excessive flatulence, especially when fed something other than their own dog food. Some white Boxers are prone to deafness.

Temperament: Playful, Devoted, Bright, Loyal, Energetic, Friendly, Calm, Cheerful, Confident, Fearless, Brave, Intelligent.

Health Problems: Cardiomyopathy and other heart problems, sub-aortic stenosis and thyroid.

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