Norwegian Buhund
Country of Origin:
Black, Red Wheaten, Wheaten
Life Expectancy:
13-15 years
Female: 41-45 cm, Male: 43-47 cm
Female: 12-16 kg, Male: 14-18 kg
Litter Size:
2-8 puppies
Ad ID: 146
In the ancient Gokstad excavation in Norway, where a Viking grave from about the year 900 was opened, skeletons from six dogs of various sizes were found.
They turned out to be the representatives of modern-day Buhunds. When Vikings died, their most cherished and necessary possessions were buried alongside their owners. This was to care for the Vikings in their afterlife.
These Buhunds, who protected farms (bu) and herded cattle and sheep, were expected to continue these duties in the afterlife. It has been documented that these dogs traveled with Vikings on their many journeys, by sea and by land. The more refined, beautiful type we see today was nurtured in the rainy western coastlands of Norway where it herded sheep and guarded farms.
Due to the initiative of Norway's state-counsel John Saeland, the first Buhund show was held at Jaeren in the 1920s. The Norsk Buhundklubb was established in 1939. Toralf Raanaas was the first president.
The Norwegian Buhund is a spitz type dog of medium size. The muzzle is the same length as the skull with a well-defined stop. The nose is black. The oval shaped eyes are dark with black eye rims.
The prick, medium sized ears are erect and are very mobile. The tail is tightly curled over the back. The coat comes in wheaten or biscuit, ranging from light to yellowish red, black and wolf-sable.
The outer coat is smooth and harsh, while the undercoat is soft and wooly. The feet are small, oval shaped and webbed.
Temperament: Courageous, Friendly, Energetic, Agile, Fun-loving
Health Problems: Generally healthy breed.
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