- Bergamasco Sheepdog »
Bergamasco Sheepdog Dogs & Puppies for Sale on Dog Breeders Gallery
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The Old English Sheepdog is a large, squarely proportioned, agile dog with a profuse shaggy coat. The body is stocky, well-balanced and muscular. The topline slopes upward from the withers to the loin.
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Miami, FL, USA
The Bergamasco Sheepdog is best suited for seasonal to cold climates. Given its dense coat which provides protection from the elements of the clima...
The Old English Sheepdog is a large, squarely proportioned, agile dog with a profuse shaggy coat. The body is stocky, well-balanced and muscular. The topline slopes upward from the withers to the loin.
Sponsored links can be an effective way to place your ad or business website at the top of all listings. Sponsored links deliver quick, highly convertible traffic to your website.
Miami, FL, USA